• Wed. Jun 19th, 2024

Afex Marketing Group

Helping the small business owner with limited resources market their business online in a complex environment.

Common Mistakes Marketers Make With Their Marketing Strategy

Common marketing mistakes you should avoid A sharp and effective marketing campaign is one of the most important and valuable assets a business needs. Even if you don’t have access…

How to Start Building Your Business:

Where to Start Lately, I have been focusing a lot on developing your personal brand or branding your small business. But from the comments, I have noticed that many individuals…

How to Build Your Personal Brand

BRANDING YOUR OFFLINE BUSINESS One area that is often overlooked by local business owners is how to build their personal brand. They open up a new store or location and…

Inexpensive marketing ideas for small business

If you have been visiting this blog for any length of time the majority of content revolves around small business. Like any business, if you want to survive you need…

8 Ways to do Local SEO without Building Conent

8 Ways to Do Local SEO Without Building Content If you want to win at local search engine optimization (SEO), but you don’t want todepend on content marketing, you can…

9 Ways to Rank Your Website Without Backlinks

Despite what you may have seen online and from various experts in the field, ranking your website without backlinks is certainly possible. You need to create unique content. The following…

How To Cultivate More Customer Reviews For Your Business

Customers consider many different things before making a purchase these days. With the internet at everyone’s fingertips, it’s easier than ever for clients to research everything from the reputation of…

Marketing Your Online Business Successfully

There are many different ways to market your business online successfully. It’s important to stay on top of trends get people connected to your company and engage with your content.…

Do’s and Dont’s of Video Marketing

Do’s and don’ts of video marketing Video is becoming a major part of creating content and with this, it is fast becoming one of the better ways of consuming content.…

Surfing the online marketing world without drowning

If you have been following me for any length of time. You know my message is more than you navigating through all of the noise that is out there online.…